mercoledì 16 gennaio 2008

Science vs Practice

How can the strength and conditioning coach best use the scientific literature to their advantage in the practice of the profession?

Dr.Steven Fleck
"Obviously, when designing a strength and conditioning program, whether it is weight training, interval sprint-type, plyometric, or any other of program, the prescription of the exercise stimulus should be based in fact and not on philosophy or an unfounded belief. This does not mean the program cannot in part be based upon experience, but aspects of the program, such as frequency, duration, intensity, and volume, should be based in sport or exercise science wherever possible. Because new studies result in new information, it is necessary that the strength and conditioning professional stay current by reading journals and attending meetings or symposia based in sport and exercise science. It may also mean discussing new information with other professionals. However, because new information is produced regularly does not mean that you have to adjust or change drastically your strength and conditioning programs every time a new study is publshed. It does, however, mean when several studies or review articles result in the same conclusion that you must be willing to adjust or change your programs if necessary."

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